Assessment Exam - Review and Reuse Questions
Best Practice for Question "Review + Reuse"
Best Practice for Question "Review + Reuse"
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Video Transcription
If you have several assessment exam whose question you would like to reuse for a new assessment exam, but you want these questions to go through a question writing and review process, this video tutorial highlights some of the best steps to go about it. The first step is we think you should create a new item bank, and this is where all the questions will be reviewed. And you will clone the questions into this new item bank. So if you have, let's say, 50 or 100 questions you would like to review, you want to clone these questions into the item bank so they will have its own lifecycle and the questions that was used in the existing product are unaffected. And then after you clone the questions over, you will be able to write new questions and review these cloned slash old questions. So this video tutorial will show you how to go about doing that.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, viewers are guided on how to reuse assessment exam questions by following a step-by-step process. The first step is to create a new item bank where all the questions will be reviewed. The existing questions are then cloned into this new item bank, ensuring that the original questions used in the previous assessment are unaffected. Once the questions are cloned over, the user can begin writing new questions and reviewing the cloned and old questions. This video tutorial provides guidance on the entire process. No credits are mentioned in the transcript.
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video tutorial
reuse assessment exam questions
step-by-step process
create new item bank
clone questions
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